“F is for frogs, red-legged and tree…hopping happily through forest and stream!”
An art exhibit of the student art panels is held at The Old Schoolhouse Gallery, Cortes.

Forest Ent clay works are created by youth for promotion and raising funds, and Forest Ents come alive on trees throughout Cortes.
Daniel Pierce of Ramshackle Productions comes to Cortes to film youth in the Children’s Forest for a documentary.

The Artists’ Journey sees visiting artists join local artists in the Children’s Forest to create beautiful works of art inspired by the forest.
An art auction of their work is held on Saltspring Island to raise money to publish the book, Forest Alphabet, and is hosted by Paul Horn & our very own Ann Mortifee, an honorary director.

The Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society is officially registered as a BC Society on November 15.

A second Artists’ Journey art auction is held on Cortes at the Coop to raise more funds for publishing of the book Forest Alphabet.

Forest Alphabet, Artistic Visions of a Forest in Trust to the Children
is published. A book launch party is held at Linnaea, and a big cake is made by a locally renown Austrian pastry chef, Trude.

Homeschooling children learn basic stream assessment skills, and monitoring of fish and the riparian area begins in James Creek.

Youth interpreters lead walks into the Commons for summer guests.

The Children’s Forest youth troupe write and perform Shades of Green at the Gorge Harbour Marina which shared their favourite stories of playing in nature.

A second interpretative training, So You Want to Be a Naturalist, is held at Linnaea School – an amazing examination of bones & mysterious objects.

The Forest Rap is produced as a music video by Immanuel McKenty.
“… R is for the rainforest we will not fail…!”

The Children’s Forest youth troupe perform Without One, None for the Quadra School and Cedar School in Campbell River. This is a murder mystery set at a bioblitz in the Children’s Forest.

An introduction to iNaturalist is held at the Linnaea Ed Center and 2 youth make a presentation at the FTCCIS Annual General Meeting.
The FTCCIS youth participate for the first time in the Christmas Bird Count, in association with the Cortes Museum & Archives and Bird Studies Canada.

The first alumni gathering happens and Alma, Kiera, Liam and Kai share how important the Children’s Forest has been to them.
The first forest ambassador ceremony happens around the campfire, and the graduating youth are tasked to continue sharing the story of the Children’s Forest.

Youth participate again in the national Christmas Bird Count.