

2023 AGM

We were exceptionally fortunate to have a stellar cast as keynote presenters – Dr Suzanne Simard, author (‘Finding the Mother Tree – Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest’) & UBC Professor of Forest Ecology; Tzeporah Berman, Paul Stamets, alumni, and over 40 attendees

Dr. Simard presented insight into her work on the Mother Tree Project and spoke to the value of the Children’s Forest.  A lively, thoughtful panel discussion followed with Dr. Simard, our alumni, Tzeporah Berman and Paul Stamets. 

Thank you to everyone for their continued support, it was truly an AGM to remember. 

Please find a recording of the AGM here:

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Virtual AGM Presentation by Paul Stamets

BioBlitz 2018 Video Trailer

The 2018 BioBlitz in the Children’s Forest was a great success! See this post for the full report, and this post for fantastic photos of the event shot by Seamus Summers. Here is a short video trailer from the BioBlitz, courtesy of Island Light Photography.

Stand Up For the Forest — Children’s Forest Music Video!

Video: Carrington Bay + James Creek Watershed aerial footage