Youth streamkeepers were making their way gently down the creek, wild, wet & slippery, and any respectable trout or coho were as far away as possible from the hip-wading youth participating in another youth streamkeeper programme!
Our location was James Creek, flowing into the Children’s Forest. The programme was a joint venture between the Children’s Forest Trust and FOCI Streamkeepers, with thanks to the Vancouver Foundation for some final grant money and Dave Clough, fish biologist extraordinaire.
Two live minnow traps (with appropriate licenses) were set, catching a beautiful 11cm adult cutthroat trout and a large 12.5 cm prickle sculpin in one of the traps. We also scooped up a new sight to our eyes when the pole seine brought in a 15 cm lamprey! Streamkeepers would be interested in hearing if anyone else has seen lamprey in any creeks on Cortes.