Imagine … A Forest In Trust to the Children

A Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island has been formed to purchase Island Timberland forest land holdings immediately adjacent to Carrington Bay Regional Park Reserve on Cortes Island. These forest lands will be held in trust for all the children of Cortes Island, in perpetuity. They will offer educational, recreational, cultural and spiritual value for all our children. They will provide the opportunity for our youth to embrace and practise stewardship of forest lands and watersheds.

These forest lands, at the heartland of Cortes Island, are ecologically significant and contain the provincially designated sensitive ecosystems: riparian, wetland, herbaceous, woodland and old growth. These forests are home to many rare plant communities and species that are listed on both the provincial and federal species at-risk lists. The biologically diverse James Creek watershed provides extensive wetland and riparian habitat that supports cutthroat trout and spawning salmon. This heartland represents vital wildlife corridors and protects the beauty and wildness of the northern parts of Cortes Island.


Photo: Richard Trueman

Pledges are being accepted now. The Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society was incorporated under the BC Society Act on November 15, 2012. The Society is pursuing charitable status, whereupon pledge amounts will be deposited and tax receipts issued.

All pledge amounts will be put towards land purchase.

Please direct enquiries, support and pledges to:
Sabina Leader Mense
Christine Robinson

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